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Press releases

Read about the development of business at AGRANA in our press releases and other publications.


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From palm oil free organic cocoa butter crunchies to organic ve­get­arian leberkäse: AGRANA presents numerous in­nov­a­tions at the BIOFACH 2022 in Nuremberg

The AGRANA Group is again presenting a diverse product portfolio at the BIOFACH in Nuremberg, the world’s leading trade fair for organic food (26 - 29 July 2022). This international fruit, starch and sugar company from Austria will once again be demonstrating its broad range of…

AGRANA Annual General Meeting votes for a dividend of €0.75

The 35th Ordinary Annual General Meeting of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG today voted to pay out a dividend for the 2021|22 financial year in the amount of € 0.75 per share (prior year dividend: € 0.85 per share). AGRANA therefore remains committed to a predictable, reliable and…

Good start to 2022|23 financial year: AGRANA on track despite difficult market en­vir­on­ment

First quarter of 2022|23 at a glance Revenue: € 886.3 million (Q1 prior year: € 705.8 million) EBIT: € 51.6 million (Q1 prior year: € 20.9 million) EBIT margin: 5.8% (Q1 prior year: 3.0%) Profit for the period: € 36.1 million (Q1 prior year: € 12.1 million) Equity ratio:…

AGRANA forges ahead with photovoltaic-​based green power ini­ti­at­ive at fruit juice con­cen­trate plant in Kröllendorf

Collaboration with RWA Solar Solutions as the installer and operator of the large-scale photovoltaic installation covering an area of 2,700 m2.

2021|22 annual results: AGRANA posts Group revenue of € 2.9 billion and a sig­ni­fic­ant increase in “operating profit before ex­cep­tional items and joint venture results” – but high impair­ment charges due to war in Ukraine

Operating profit (EBIT) of € 24.7 million after impairment

Dividend proposal of € 0.75 per share for the 2021|22 financial year

AGRANA reports positive outlook for 2022|23


AGRANA an­ti­cip­ates need for impair­ment charges due to the war in Ukraine

Provisional consolidated EBIT 2021|22 prior to war-related extraordinary items forecast to be around € 95.5 million


New man­age­ment structure at AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH

Wilhelm Schratz has been appointed to the management team of AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH with effect from 1 March 2022. Wilhelm Schratz (39) joined AUSTRIA JUICE in 2012 and most recently acted as Sales Director Fruit Juice Concentrates. As a member of the management team, he will be…

AGRANA suc­cess­fully concludes 2021|22 sugar beet pro­cessing campaign

- Sugar production volume amounts to around 850,000 tonnes (of which 455,000 tonnes in Austria) - CEO Markus Mühleisen: “Beet revenues for farmers rise significantly”

Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of starch potato and wet corn campaigns

At the end of January, AGRANA successfully concluded the 2021|22 processing seasons for starch potatoes and wet corn at its Austrian starch factories.