AGRANA half-year earnings 2013|14 well down on prior year Ad-hoc
Dátum: 24.09.2013For H1 2013|14, AGRANA announces an increase in consolidated revenues to € 1,674.3 million from € 1.603.1 million in the comparable period of the prior year. The operating result of € 108.0 million was markedly lower that in the prior year (€ 142.5 million), with the decline being accounted for by higher commodity prices in the Sugar and Starch segments.
AGRANA continues to assume that the 2013|14 financial year will yield a modest increase in consolidated revenues which will primarily be attributable to sales growth. Taking the development of business in the financial year to date into account, the operating result will be lower than that of the past two extremely good financial years.
Further details of the development of business and the various segments will be published by the Group as scheduled on 10 October 2013.
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